Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam and it is an obligatory act. The meaning of Zakat is “to purify”. In essence, Zakat is purity or to purify. To purify our own wealth all Muslims are obliged to pay a portion of their wealth.
Zakat is an obligation upon any Muslim who has reached puberty, is sane and has had more than the minimum required amount of wealth (Nisaab) for one year. Please use our Zakat Calculator below to work out your Zakat.
The value of Nisaab is 87.48 grams of pure gold or 612.36 grams of pure silver. So the monetary value of Nisaab will vary according to current prices. It requires giving a calculated amount (2.5%) of your wealth to the poor and needy.
87.48 grams of pure Gold
612.36 grams of pure Silver
Jamia Tul Madinah
Dawat-e-Islami is dedicated to the propagation of Quran and Sunnah throughout the world and providing the future Islamic scholars. In order to fulfil the obligation that every Muslim must seek knowledge, Dawat-e-Islami has created a vast global network of 1310+ Jamia Tul Madinah’s (Islamic Universities). There are approximately 104,857 Students studying Islamic sciences free of charge.
Madani Channel
Madani Channel is a television channel broadcasting across the world, providing educational and social guidance for humanity. Programs are broadcasted in various languages, including English, Urdu, and other regional languages. Our programs are focused on religious, ethical and positive character building. Madani Channel TV programs are watched by millions of viewers around the world.
Madrasa Tul Madinah
Dawat-e-Islami is fulfilling the sacred duty of helping hundreds of thousands of young Muslims to seek Islamic knowledge through it’s 10,489 Madrasa Tul Madinah branches. We currently have 341,821 young Muslim boys and girls learning for free in a secure and safe environment. Over 389,752 Students have now graduated through our Madrasa system. After Madrasa many children continue to pursue further into the study of Islamic sciences.
The safest place for a believer is in the house of Allah. Dawat-e-Islami is approximately building 600 Masajid’s a year. Therefore, nearly 2 Masajid’s per day are being constructed to enable Muslim’s to worship in peace and fulfil their religious obligations.
Fitrana, also known as Sadqa tul Fitr, is an obligatory act that all Muslim’s partake in during the Holy month of Ramadan. It purifies our fasts, helps at the time of death and protects us in the grave from punishment. Fitrana is given before Eid prayers begin at the end of Ramadan. (Min Fitrana Amount = 5 POUNDS)
Your donation can be spent in any permissible, religious, reformative, spiritual and welfare cause, and, acts of kindness and goodness.
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- Bank Name: Lloyds Bank
- Account Name: Dawat-e-Islami UK
- UK Sort Code: 30-97-73
- Account No: 43638360
- IBAN : GB93LOYD30977343638360
- BIC: LOYDGB21087